
Repo Updates für Lukas!

in Technikecke und Mods 07.11.2014 11:47
von SpeedydaGonzales • 99 Beiträge

Hier sollten Mod updates gepostet werden die schwerwiegende Fehler beheben oder viele Neuerungen bieten, aber nur für Mods die bereits in unserer ArmaSync Repro aktiv sind.
Dies ist dafür da, dass sich unser Lukas eine Übersicht verschaffen kann und entscheidet welches Update sinnvoll ist und welches nicht.

Mod: RDS A2 Civilian Pack by ReyhardMods and Addons

fixed heli dlc civilian CTD's
fixed lada gearbox
fixed rpt errors with s1203 windows
changed dashboard tex on lada from ultra low res to low res (so you can read your current rpm & speed)

armaholic link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26189

“Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.”
― Sebastian Junger, War

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.11.2014 11:06 | nach oben springen


RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 10.11.2014 08:48
von SpeedydaGonzales • 99 Beiträge

Der zweite Streich folgt auf den ersten allzu gleich.

Mod: LAxemann's Enhanced Soundscape (L_ES)

Changelog: v0.40
- Added: First version of the forest feature (Thanks to killzone_kid for the tip!)
- Optimized scripts, resulting in faster and better execution of the forest and urban scripts
- Added: compatibility with JSRS 2.2 which doesn't take speed of sound into account up to 130m
- Changed: Pistol reverb sounds
- Changed: Zafir reverb sounds
- Changed: M2 reverb sounds
- Changed: Some minor volume tweaks

Armaholic Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26780

“Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.”
― Sebastian Junger, War
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RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 12.11.2014 10:54
von SpeedydaGonzales • 99 Beiträge

"The use with AGM AI and ASR_AI will create unexpected results"

Wenn es vom Mod Macher empfohlen wird, sollten wir AGM VIK so anpassen das sich nichts in die Quere kommt.

Edit: Keine Ahnung wie das in meine Arma3 Sync Collection kam, aber ist anscheinend nicht am Server und nicht bei anderem im Repro also alles gut.

“Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.”
― Sebastian Junger, War

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.11.2014 11:07 | nach oben springen


RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 12.11.2014 11:01
von mindbl4ster • 42 Beiträge

agm_ai ist nicht in unserem agm-vik pack drin. also kein grund zur sorge :P

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RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 15.11.2014 15:57
von mindbl4ster • 42 Beiträge

Edit: SpeedyG.
Verschoben ;) und Headliner geändert.

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.11.2014 11:09 | nach oben springen


RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 19.11.2014 11:05
von SpeedydaGonzales • 99 Beiträge


Der fix für die RHS AKS und M4/M16 von Toadi2k ist released worden.

Es ist auch Offiziell das Taodie jetzt auch im RHS Team integriert wurde und daher sollte dieser Patch nur eine willkommende alternativ Lösung darstellen.

“Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.”
― Sebastian Junger, War
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RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 25.11.2014 11:41
von SpeedydaGonzales • 99 Beiträge

ASDG Joint Rails :

- Added modified arsenal function to get compatible attachments detected properly; changes only the routine that detects compatible attachments for a given weapon, making use of the asdg_jointrails_fnc_getCompatibleAttachments function
- Fixes and performance optimization for asdg_jointrails_fnc_getCompatibleAttachments function
- Emptied default compatibleItems arrays under CowsSlot and PointerSlot, to get rid of duplicates and incompatible attachments
- Removed opt configs, will update and release them separately


“Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.”
― Sebastian Junger, War

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.11.2014 11:29 | nach oben springen


RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 27.11.2014 11:30
von SpeedydaGonzales • 99 Beiträge

Panthera 3.1

massive improvement of hills & mountains (rock formations)
fixed runway markings to correct specs (magnetic azimuth of the runway's heading in decadegrees)
set up some basic lightning on streets in bigger towns
ice_zoofence warning eliminated
replaced couple of houses with new A3 ones
new factory and warehouses in Porto Ritmo
upgraded Visitor's Center to Villa structure
fixed carwreck location (059093)
removed dual building (091003)
ammo bunker extended to hill (081011)
guard tower now facing road (095031)
tweaked river crossings heights on Nuba

Armaholic link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27416

“Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.”
― Sebastian Junger, War
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RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 28.11.2014 09:08
von SpeedydaGonzales • 99 Beiträge

Keine Empfehlung dies Upzudaten sondern ein muss.

RHMK18 fix :

Unten unter optional angegeben.
Auf das wir diese Waffe endlich wieder nutzen können ;).


“Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.”
― Sebastian Junger, War
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RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 10.12.2014 10:17
von SpeedydaGonzales • 99 Beiträge

CSE ist wieder gefixt:


v0.10.0 ALPHA RC1
Added: Action stitching (CMS). Uses the surgical kit.
Added: Advanced Ballistics (by Ruthberg)
Added: assignMedicalEquipment module for medical equipment (CMS)
Added: ATragMX (by Ruthberg)
Added: Bodybag and bodybag action (CMS)
Added: CBA Dependency
Added: CC item crates
Added: Combat Deafness module
Added: Concept AmbientCivilians module
Added: Fast roping module (WIP, not polished and error-prone)
Added: First implementation of disposable launchers
Added: getIn and getOut EH support
Added: iedpack from A2 (by Aposky)
Added: Implemented use equipment option for AIM
Added: Kestrel 4500 (by Ruthberg)
Added: Load and unload object eventhandlers
Added: On initialization all CMS magazines will be replaced by items (TEMPORARLY)
Added: Option to disable config execution of modules for certain entries (disableConfigExecution = 1; in CfgModules entry)
Added: Polish translations to stringtables
Added: Put eventhandler support
Added: Replace darter battery option (vehicle)
Added: Russian translation of CMS
Added: Setting to disable vehicle crash damage (CMS)
Added: Sounds for weaponResting and magazineRepack
Added: Surgical Kit (CMS)
Added: Take eventhandler support
Added: Treatment now works for prone units (CMS)
Added: Weapon Heating module
Added: Weapon Safety module as part of (cse_sys_equipment.pbo)
Added: Added support for disabling broadcasting your own position on the BFT tracker.
Added: Advanced Interaction items to curator
Added: Allow use of map screen setting for CC BFT trackers.
Added: Ambiance sound module
Added: Bodybag item for curator placement
Added: Carry option to logistics.
Added: Display icon when resting weapon or have bipod deployed (top right, making use of displayIcon function)
Added: Drag option to logistics. Static weapons are now draggable.
Added: Hide ammo information option within equipments module
Added: displayIcon function (Shows icons in the top right of your screen)
Added: drinking sound to drinking action of field rations module.
Added: hasOpenWounds_CMS function
Added: variable for tracking units in reviveState across network
Changed: Action keybindings can now only be activated when player can interact
Changed: Added bottom limit for blood volume
Changed: Adjusted grain effect for night vision
Changed: All CMS Items are now items instead of magazines (IMPORTANT)
Changed: Combined pbo's NVG and weaponresting with sys_equipment.pbo
Changed: Combined the following modules into one (cse_sys_equipment.pbo): NVG adjustments, Weapon Resting, Attachable Items, Magazine Repack, Ammo checking.
Changed: Custom eventhandlers can now also be accessed through mission description.ext
Changed: Improved performance from getDragOptions
Changed: Logistic carry action now also works on objects with cse logistics carry enabled through a set variable
Changed: Moved damage thresholds to separate module (No longer part of the CMS module)
Changed: Now ejects dead units from vehicles
Changed: Overworked the magazine repack feature
Changed: Refined the old wind deflection code based on AdvancedBallistics
Changed: Rewrite of handleDamage [CMS]
Changed: Advanced Interaction magazines are now items
Changed: Field Rations magazines are now items
Changed: Message Display functions now support localization
Changed: Tied bloosloss in with cardiac output. Should improve bloodless effect. WARNING: cse_fnc_getBloodLoss_CMS will no longer return accurate results on non local units!
Changed: increasePain function now also supports string values representing bodyparts (same as addOpenWounds_CMS)
Disabled: Config execution for legacy modules
Fixed: CC Item names
Fixed: Configuration button bug
Fixed: Field Rations module arguments
Fixed: gui_loadingbar no longer running twice as fast as it should
Fixed: IR strobe effect sticking around
Fixed: It is no longer possible to drag/carry units inside vehicles
Fixed: Missing addon dependency lists
Fixed: Position of icon on display messages (Was overlapping the content label)
Fixed: Width of display messages
Fixed: Zeus Placement bug
Fixed: Damage thresholds didnt function properly.
Fixed: Dropping objects before unit goes unconscious.
Fixed: issues with CSE backblast module
Replaced: cse_sys_backblast.pbo with cse_sys_launchers.pbo
Improved: Scroll wheel option for name tags module
Improved: CMS module now supports localization in everything but the activity log.
Improved: Performance optimization for many parts of CSE.
Improved: Scroll wheel option for name tags module

“Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.”
― Sebastian Junger, War

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.12.2014 13:20 | nach oben springen


RE: Repo Updates !

in Technikecke und Mods 18.12.2014 12:06
von SpeedydaGonzales • 99 Beiträge

MK 18 Mod wurde geupdatet:


v0.3 alpha
- Fixed Zeroing
- Fixed Sound Issues (previously fixed by JCae2798's patch)
- Updated hand animations
- Added new sounds by LordJarhead
- Added KAC BUIS variant of MK18 and M4 Block 2
- Added M4 Block 2 variants with grenade launcher
- Added additional variants of MK18 and M4 Block 2
- Added optional configs for ADSG Joint Rails / Muzzles / Attachments - Thanks Robalo!
- Added support for Advanced Ballistics - Thanks Ruthberg

CSE update:


v0.10.1 alpha
Added: Option to disallow the use of the DLL extension (Advanced Ballistics).
Added: Option to turn on system chat information messages.
Added: Option to disable AB by default.
Improved: Made basicBallistics fully compatible with AdvancedBallistics.
Fixed: Bug in fn_advanced_ballistics_extension.sqf.
Fixed: Bug #75827: Heart rate and Blood pressure not working.
Fixed: Bug #75828: Stitching button label is Missing.
Fixed: Field Rations parameters weren't correct.

LAxemann's Enhanced Soundscape


version 0.44:
- Slight performance improvment thanks to Fett_Li (soll sich aber extrem auf den output und Qualitätssteigerung auswirken)
version 0.43 (Internal version):
- Minor urban script tweaks
version 0.42 (Internal version):
- Reworked urban soundsets for HMGs, sniper rifles and cannons

“Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.”
― Sebastian Junger, War

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.12.2014 12:12 | nach oben springen

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